Royal College School Rules & Regulations

School Rules and Regulations

  • Arrangements regarding all admission and application must be addressed by the Head teacher of Royal College Makindye Any other arrangements will be null and void.
  • Students must fulfill all the school’s admission requirements before they are registered by the school within two weeks of the official reporting date.
  • Breach of (a) and or (b) above or impersonation or forgery will be treated as an unlawful act committed by all parties involved and shall lead to a student to forfeit his/her place in the school
  • Going out of school bounds without written permission from the Head teacher, Deputy Head Teacher shall lead to indefinite suspension. For this purpose a permission pass will be provided, which must be countersigned by the parent/guardian and immediately submitted to the issuing authority on return.
  • Permission to move out of school is strictly reserved for the Head teacher and Deputy Head teacher only.
  • The following areas are out of bounds to all students:-
    • The dormitories during class time or prep time.
    • All staff quarters.
    • Bars and Nightclubs.
    • Anywhere else outside the prescribed school compound. Breach of 2(b) (i), (ii) and (iv) may lead to suspension. Breach of 2(b) (iii) shall lead to indefinite suspension.
  • Students must not possess more clothes than those allowed by the school authority.
  • School uniforms and live in uniform must be kept clean and presentable at all times. Tempering with school uniform will be penalized as the case may warrant.
  • The school uniform must be worn at all times from waking up until the end of the class hours i.e. Monday to Friday, for all Church services, on all official functions and when leaving or returning to school.
  • Live in uniform will be used in the evenings, sports time, Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays and for social occasions and fieldwork.
  • Club/movement T. shirts will only be used on Sunday.
  • Students must keep their hair and nails short and neat and must not wear beards/moustaches, earrings, necklaces, rings, nail vanish, bangles, make up bracelets, dreadlocks, cornrows or pleated hair.

Breach of any of the above shall lead to warning, internal punishment, or suspension.

  • All students must at all times obey and respect the school authority vested in the Head teacher, Deputies, Teachers, prefects, and all persons to whom the authority of the Head teacher may be delegated from time to time. Disobedience, obstruction, rudeness, insubordination, refusal to cooperate with authority, failure to carry out and submit academic assignments/exercise/researches etc, are acts which contravene this rule and shall lead to suspension ranging from not less than two weeks to indefinite.
  • All students are expected to adhere to all notices put up giving instructions on what to do from time to time. Failure to comply with notices will lead to internal punishment.
  • Promotion from one class to another shall be based on merit and all students shall be required to attain the pass mark as shall be established from time to time. Failure to attain the set pass mark will lead to internal punishment, demotion or suspension as the case may warrant.
  • Every parent/guardian shall obey and respect each and everyone of these rules and in case of failure to do so, the child/protégé of the parent/guardian concerned may be punished, suspended or indefinitely suspended as the case may warrant.
  • Every student and his parent/guardian shall execute an undertaking of obedience to the school rules and regulations set out herein on the form. Repeated breach of any of the school rules and regulations set out herein shall lead to suspension or indefinite suspension. Any student who abets or acts as an accomplice to the breach of any of these rules shall be guilty of an offence and shall be held liable
  • Quiet and orderly behavior must be observed in the dormitories at all times. Retiring and wake up signals or bells shall strictly be adhered to. Breach of this rule shall lead to a warning, internal punishment, suspension or indefinite suspension.
  • Unauthorized rests or visits to the dormitory shall be liable to the same punishment as in 7 (a) above.
  • Under no circumstances is a student allowed to change dormitory or bed allocated to him/her with out permission from the Warden. Breach of this rule shall lead to internal punishment and/or suspension.
  • Sharing of beds at any time is strictly forbidden and shall lead to suspension or indefinite suspension.
  • Students shall not take any intoxicants or prohibited drugs and shall not have them in their possession, or act under their influence. Breach of this rule shall lead to suspension or indefinite suspension.
  • Possession of smoking cigarettes, tobacco, pipes or any other noxious substances is prohibited. Breach of this rule shall lead to suspension or indefinite suspension.
  • Immoral behavior, including but not limited to possession of pornographic materials, examination malpractices, boy-girl relationship, homosexuality, indecent exposure of one’s body, any form of sexual pervasion etc is forbidden and shall lead to indefinite suspension.
  • Thefts shall lead to warning, suspension or indefinite suspension
  • Students shall be visited only on prescribed occasions, at the prescribed times and within school premises. Breach of this rule shall lead to suspension.
  • Under no circumstance shall parents/guardians or any other visitors be allowed into classrooms, dormitories, or any other specified area, unless permission by school is granted. Breach of this rule shall lead to suspension of the student.
  • Parents/guardians or any other visitor are not permitted to carry into school any unauthorized items. Acceptance of such items by the student shall lead his/her indefinite suspension.
  • On Visitation Days, parents/guardians shall meet their children inside the school compound as shall be pointed out by the school authority from time to time. Alcoholic drinks and toxic foods are prohibited.  Breach of this rule shall lead to suspension.
  • All students shall accept the type and amount of food the school authority provides for meals. Breach of this rule shall lead to indefinite suspension.
  • Students are prohibited from consuming any food or drink not provided by the school. Breach of this rule shall lead to suspension or indefinite suspension.
  • Consuming foodstuffs and drinks in classrooms is prohibited. Food must not be carried from the kitchen or dinning hall to the dormitories, classrooms or other specified areas.  Breach of this rule will lead to punishment.
  • All students shall observe punctuality at all events and functions prescribed by the school timetable. Failure to do so will result in a warning and/or an internal punishment.  Repeated breach of this rule lead to suspension ranging from two weeks to indefinite suspension.
  • Day scholars should report to school by 7.30 a.m. and leave at 5.00 p.m. The school main gate is the only entrance and exit point. Using any other route into or out of school will be penalized with 2 bags of cement.  You should appear in full school uniform and you are required to attend daily. Absenteeism will lead to internal punishment or suspension as the case may warrant.
  • Royal College Makindye is a God-fearing school whose mission, besides academic nourishment, includes spiritual formation. All students must adhere to the spiritual programs organized by the chaplain’s office and endorsed by the head teacher. Any other spiritual programs outside the above arrangement, unless expressly approved by the head teacher, are totally prohibited.  Breach of this rule shall lead to suspension or indefinite suspension.
  • Students shall not indulge in any behavior likely to provoke others or cause a breach of order in the community e.g. unnecessarily screaming at school.
  • All students shall observe silence and orderly behavior during study and preparation time, during prayers, at assembly, during examinations and at other prescribed functions. Preps are not to be done in the dormitory, and other non-authorized rooms like the sickbay, music room.  Breach of this rule shall lead to a warning and/or punishment including indefinite suspension.
  • No student shall possess or make use of and no parent/guardian shall provide to any student a radio, mobile phone, camera, sim card or any other communication gadget while at school. Breach of this rule will lead to confiscation of the item and /or indefinite suspension.
  • A telephone booth has been provided to facilitate communication, but will only be accessible to students during breaks and sports time. Breach of this rule will lead to an internal punishment and or suspension.
  • All elements of idleness like hanging out on the school compound during class hours, dodging classes and preps, hanging on the balcony will lead to an internal punishment, suspension or indefinite suspension as the case may warrant.
  • English is the official medium of communication. Breach of this rule shall lead to punishment.
  • Use of vulgar, obscene, profane or derogatory language is strictly forbidden and shall lead to warning and/or internal punishment or suspension
  • All students shall report to school on the first day of the term; failure to do so without prior communication to the school authority shall lead to a two week suspension.
  • No student shall absent him/herself from any lesson or any other prescribed function (exams) without permission from the school authority. Breach of this rule shall lead to internal punishment initially, and if repeated to suspension.
  • A student who does not report to school within a period of two weeks with out communication to the school authority will be deemed to have absconded.
  • Possession of firearms, knives or any dangerous weapon, candles, box of matches, cigarette lighters, metallic belts, metallic arm straps, flammable liquids or corrosive substances by students at campus is strictly forbidden and shall lead to indefinite suspension.
  • Any form of assault or bullying to anybody, or abetting thereof, is prohibited and shall lead to indefinite suspension.

The school accepts no responsibility for loss of any students’ personal property.

  • Damage to, misuse or loss of school property will be paid for or replaced in kind by the student(s) concerned either individually or collectively as the case may be, and may lead to suspension or indefinite suspension. The parent/guardian of the student involved shall be held personally liable to make good the said damage, misuse or loss.
  • No student is allowed to enter or stay in specified rooms such as the staff room, offices, laboratories and libraries, in the absence of a teacher or the relevant
  • member of staff. Breach of this rule will lead to suspension or indefinite suspension.

Any form of demonstration, riotous act, instigation or hooliganism intended or likely to cause civil disobedience or unrest in or outside the school is prohibited and shall lead to indefinite suspension.

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